Viagra use started to relieve the penis dysfunction of the old men. With time men below 75 years started suffering from this condition. The exclusivity of the drug for the aged changed to those suffering from ED. The causes were found not only to affect the old men but also to the young men. The man’s activities over time have caused damage to their health and hence ED.
The health sector has found a problem of ED to affect both the old and the young, thus the prescription fits all. The result of the higher populationsuffering from ED made doctors in clinics to prescribe the generic Viagra.
With time the pharmacies were stocked with the ED drugs and access has increased till you can buy the drug from any store; online or physical pharmacy.
Erectile function and dysfunction
The erectile function makes your penis erect, but failure to get an erection is the penis dysfunction. The failure of the penis to erectduring sexseveraltimes can be termed as erectile dysfunction. You can’t however, claim to have the condition before doctor diagnosis. Sometimes the ED can be felt during a phase when you’re going through a rough patch. It can cause stress and even depression; and your mind won’t manage to communicate during stimulation.
For the diagnosis, the doctor will confirm that you’re suffering from ED. The temporary dysfunction can be treated and healed completely: the stress and strain are treatable. When you get the underlying causes such as depression and high blood pressure, the doctor will put you into a mental help program. However, some problems may cause a prolonged ED to continue.
Usage of Viagra when in a health state
Some myths give rise to young men trying to prove their manhood. The belief that Viagra prolongs an erection and last longer has led to increased demand forViagra online. Sex for young men can mean different things; others who don’t want to fail may use Viagra.
Some get stressed for the failure of the penis to erect even once; they rather buy Viagra online to satisfy the urge. Others believe that it makes you last the whole night and you’ll enjoy it throughout. However, the result sometimes leads to penis rupture. The muscles tear during sex and you may fail to erect again in your life.
Use of Viagra for recreational purpose
Viagra itself is a drug that has side effects when taken. If you’re in good health, you don’t need the ED drug for its purpose may change. For instance, the enhanced nitric oxide of the penis muscles may relax for a long and in the process not recover.
When trying to use Viagra for recreational purposes, you may not ask the doctor’s opinion. In that case, the drug may affect you adversely if you’ve any health condition.Some do self-prescription and maybe don’t qualify to be put in the ED program.
The ED drug of Viagra can’t be used for recreational purposes as it’ll alter and increase the risk factors of your health. The penis damage during the marathon sex of young men causes permanent damage to your tissues.
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